I had heard Philip Glass’s 1979Â Mad Rush (renamed from his original Part Four, Fourth Series) at the Woodruff Arts Center’s Sonic Palooza a couple of weeks ago and started a sketch on site that was primarily horizontal lines, in response to his elegantly patterned piano piece.
On the day that I began the painting, I had just suffered what I discovered later was an acute vitreous detachment in one of my eyes, leaving a lot of ‘floaters’ in my vision. Coincidentally, I was also listening to John Tavener’s The Protecting Veil with Yo-Yo Ma as the cello soloist. Which seems somehow apropos for the title in homage.
This one is in progress.
The Protecting Veil. Acrylic on canvas, 26″x40″, 2011.
Summer Lawns. Acrylic on canvas panel, 10″x8″, 2011.